Keynote Speakers
Keynote 1: Prof. Ernesto Damiani: AI pipelines for Cyber Security | |
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Prof. Ernesto Damiani is the Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Institute, Khalifa University, leader of the Big Data area at Etisalat British Telecom Innovation Center, and Full Professor at Università degli Studi di Milano, where he leads the SESAR Lab. He has done extensive research on design and deployment of secure systems and protocols. Ernesto Damiani’s work has more than 15,400 citations on Google Scholar and more than 6,100 citations on Scopus, with an h-index of 34. His areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Edge/Cloud security and performance, and cyber-physical systems. Ernesto has been a recipient of the Stephen Yau Award from the Service Society, of the Outstanding contributions Award from IFIP TC2 , of the Chester-Sall Award from IEEE IES and of a doctorate honoris causa from INSA – Lyon (France) for his contribution to Big Data teaching and research. |
Keynote 2: Prof. Azzedine Boukerche: Connected/Autonomous Vehicles: A New Challenge for Smart Transportation and Connected Cities | |
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Prof. Azzedine Boukerche is a Distinguished University Professor and holds a Senior Canada Research Chair position at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a Fellow of IEEE, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is the founding director of the PARADISE Research Laboratory, and DIVA Strategic Research Network@ School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), uOttawa. Prior to this, he held a faculty position at the University of North Texas, and he was a senior scientist at the Simulation Sciences Division, Metron Corp., San Diego. He spent a year at the JPL/NASA-California Institute of Technology, where he contributed to a project centered on specification and verification of the software used to control interplanetary spacecraft operated by JPL/NASA Laboratory. His current research interests include IoT, Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless networks, wireless multimedia, performance evaluation and modeling of large-scale distributed systems, distributed computing, and distributed and parallel simulation. He has published several research papers in these areas, and he received about 16 Best research paper awards. He has been serving as an Associate Editor of several journals, ACM Computing Surveys, IEEE Transactions on Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE TVT, Elsevier Ad-Hoc Networks, Wiley International Journal of Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing, Wiley Security and Communication Network Journal, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, and Elsevier Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. He was the recipient of the Premier of Ontario Research Excellence Award, Ontario Distinguished Researcher Award, Glinski Research Excellence Award, IEEE CS Golden Core Award, IEEE Canada Gotlieb Medal Award, IEEE ComSoc Exceptional Leadership Award, IEEE TCPP Exceptional Technical and Leadership Award. He served as the General Chair for numerous IEEE/ACM sponsored International Conference, He a Steering Committee chair for the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, and several IEEE.ACM conferences. He has sevred on the Hiring committee for EiC for ACM TCSUR, and IEEE TSUCS. |
Keynote 3: Prof. Abdelkader Hameurlain: New Generation of Cloud DBMS: Impacts and Challenges | |
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Prof. Abdelkader Hameurlain is full Professor in Computer Science at Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France. He is a member of the Institute of Research in Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT). His current research interests are in query processing and optimization in parallel and large-scale distributed environments, mobile databases, and database performance. Prof. Hameurlain has been the general chair of the International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA’02, DEXA’2011, DEXA’2017 and DEXA2018). He is co-editors in Chief of the International Journal “Transactions on Large-scale Data and Knowledge Centered Systems” (LNCS, Springer). He was guest editor of three special issues of “International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering on “Mobile Databases”, “Data Management in Grid and P2P Systems”, and “Elastic Data Management in Cloud Systems”. |
Keynote 4: Prof. Ali Jaoua: Conceptual data science: foundation and applications | |
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Prof. Ali Jaoua, adviser/consultant professor in Computer Science, he obtained the degree of "Docteur es-Science" (PhD) in Computer Science, from the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse (France), "Doctor Engineer" from Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, and "Engineer in Computer Science" from ENSEEIHT of Toulouse (France). During the last twenty years, he contributed in machine learning and conceptual data science in general (i.e. Automatic Information Extraction from internet, Feature extraction, data reduction, Text Mining, Hidden Data Analysis, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Engineering, Meta-Search Engine development, Alerting System, Natural Language Processing, pattern generation and recognition, Sentiments Analysis, and opinion mining). He coordinated the Master of Science in Computing and PhD programs in Computer Science and Computer Engineering during the last 6 years,. He supervised about 14 PhD thesis mostly on conceptual information engineering, software fault tolerance and algorithmic in Tunisia, France and the Gulf. He published about 50 International Journal papers, presented about one hundred conferences, and contributed to several books. He organized five international conferences in computer science in Tunisia, and the Gulf. He has been Invited Professor/researcher in Joseph Fournier University, Grenoble(France), University of Sherbrook (Canada), Sophia-Antipolis (I3S) (France). He occupied the position of Associate Professor in computer science in Laval University (Quebec, Canada), 1989-1992, Professor in Computer Science of the University Al-Manar (Tunis) since 1995, up to 2008, and Professor in Qatar University up to 2019. He has been invited speaker for international conferences and universities during the last ten years, program committee member of several known international conferences. He has been agreed several research grants as lead PI, co-Lead PI or co-PI from QNRF for six NPRP research projects. He also got grants from CRSNG and FCAR in Canada, and DGRST and SERST from Tunisia, and participated to several pilot projects in France, Canada, and Tunisia. He is a Member of the Steering Committee of Relational Methods in Computer Science Group, RELMICS, and Editorial member of the associated electronic journal (JORMICS). He has been a member of the editorial board of the international Journal of Information Science, Elsevier publisher, during several years, and regularly evaluating papers for this journal with high impact factor. He is also a regular reviewer of IEEE transaction on Fuzzy Systems. Member of the Editorial Board of NMNC (New Mathematics and Natural Computation (World Scientific)). Starting from January 2009 to 2011, he has been the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering in Arabic, Philips Publisher for several years. He is also member of ACM society. |
Keynote 5: Dr. Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem: Real-time MEG-based Brain-Geminoid Interface | |
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Dr. Belkacem is one of the recipients of the prestigious international award "MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 MENA for the year 2018" and brings over 10 years of experience in Brain-Computer-Interface. One of his work was adopted on a cover page of IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, Vol 26-6, 2018. Dr. Belkacem got his Ph.D. degree in Information Processing from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, under the supervision of Prof. Yasuharu Koike in 2015. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the United Arab Emirates University, UAE. Prior to joining the UAEU, Dr. Belkacem was a specially appointed researcher at the department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School, and an assistant Professor at the Endowed Research Department of Clinical Neuroengineering, Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University, in Japan from 2015 to 2019. He has been working with outstanding researchers and experts such as: Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro and Prof. Masayuki Hirata.Dr. Belkacem is a reviewer in: Science Advances, IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, IEEE Access, PLOS ONE,... Etc. He has contributed to many international Technical Program Committees such as IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics SMC2018 (Miyazaki, Japan). |