
Tutorial 1: Arabic Ontology Engineering
mustafa mounira hedi

Dr. Mustafa Jarrar
Birzeit University, Palestine
University at Buffalo USA

Dr. Mounira Harzallah
University of Nantes, France
LS2N Laboratory, France

Dr. Hedi Karray
INP-ENIT, France
LGP Laboratory, France

Dr. Mustafa Jarrar is an associate professor of Computer Science, at Birzeit University in Palestine. Before joining Birzeit in 2009, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Cyprus (2007-2009), and was a senior Research Scientist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1999-2007), where he completed his Masters (2000) and PhD (early 2005). Prof. Jarrar published +75 articles and refereed reports in the areas of Ontology Engineering, Lexical Semantics, Semantic Web, and Databases. He is, a full member of the IFIP2.6 on Database Semantics, the IFIP2.12 on Web Semantics, the IEEE Learning Standards Committee, and the CEN/ISSS ICT Skills, Prof. Jarrar is also the founder of both Sina Institute For Knowledge Engineering And Arabic Technologies, and the Palestinian EGovernment Academy , at Birzeit University.

Dr. Mounira Harzallah is associate professor at the university of Nantes and member of the laboratory of computer science of Nantes atlantiques (LINA), since 2001.
Her reserarch topics are ontology engineering, comparison semantic measures for ontology and enterprise modelling.
She have been involved in various national and international research projects, among them the INTEROP Network of Excellence (www.inteop-noe.org) funded by European Commission.

Hedi KARRAY received his Ph.D. degree in the area of applied informatics from the University of Franche-Comté, France, in 2012. Since then, he has been an Assistant Professor at Haute Alsace University for one year. Since September 2013 he holds an Associate Professor at the National Engineering School of Tarbes of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, Part of the Federal University of Toulouse, and member of Production Engineering Laboratory. In 2016, he had a visiting researcher position at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB). Since his stay at UB, Dr. Karray became senior scientist at National Center of Ontological Research. Hedi Karray is also active member at few research groups as IFAC, InteropVlab and IEEE SMC. The research topics of Dr. Karray center on Ontology-Based Engineering, semantic interoperability and decision support systems.

Abstract: The importance of linguistic ontologies, wordnets, and terminological databases is increasing in modern and multilingual applications, such as e-commerce, biomedical informatics, information search and retrieval, question-answering and NLP-based tasks, sentiment analysis, interoperability and data integration, big data, among others. Developing ontologies is known to be a challenging a task and require interdisciplinary skills in logic, philosophy, linguistics, and computer science.
This tutorial overviews the new trends in ontology engineering and lexical semantics, with a special attention to Arabic and multilingual applications. In particular, the tutorial aims to enrich attendees knowledge of what is an ontology, ontology applications, upper level ontologies, application ontology vs. linguistic ontology, lexical semantics and multilingualism, the Arabic ontology and wordnet, how to build good ontologies, and the new techniques for extracting ontologies from text.

Tutorial 2: Semantically driven RESTful service composition

Dr. Michael Mrissa
Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France

Dr.  Michael Mrissa is full professor at the Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA). He received his PhD from the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in 2007 and his accreditation to supervise research (HDR) in 2014. His main research interests relate to service-oriented computing, semantic reasoning and the Web of Things. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed papers in conferences and journals. He is involved in the ANR project ASAWoO1.

Automating the life-cycle of complex applications over the Web is possible, but still remains a complex task. In this tutorial, we show how combining the REST architectural style, service oriented computing and the semantic Web makes it possible to drive the orchestration of resources to fulfill users’ needs.
Nowadays, the resource-oriented paradigm allows us to use the Web as a distributed application
platform. RESTful services, also called resources, offer better scalability and lower costs for application development, in particular through uniform interface, stateless interaction and cache ability.
However, resource-oriented computing does not meet all the requirements that would allow automating the development of applications on top of available resources. Such requirements have especially been identified in the service computing community that has brought to light the need for abstraction, reuse, discoverability, composability, and encapsulation.
Combining service-oriented architectural patterns with semantic annotations has allowed to automate at least partially the discovery and composition tasks for typical Web services.
However, when it comes to resources, these tasks have barely been explored. In this tutorial, we will present the notion of resource and show its interest to develop Web-based applications. A hands-on session will allow participants to develop and deploy a few resources.
Then, we will develop semantic annotations to describe resources and link them to each other.
Finally, we will develop and run a simple discovery algorithm that allows composing resources and answering a user request based on semantic annotations.

Tutorial 3: Cybersecurity & Internet Governance: Issues, Novel threats & trends

Dr. Belhassen ZOUARI 
Mediatron Lab,
University of Carthage, Tunisia

Dr. Belhassen Zouari is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of Carthage-Tunisia at the Higher School of Communications Sup’Com. His activities include research works in the fields of verification of automated systems and security issues. He worked on formal verification methods based on colored Petri nets and applied the related techniques in various fields as Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks and Business Process Management. He was at the origin of the Tunisian national plan in computer security from 1999 that led to the setting up of the National Agency in Computer Science (NACS) in 2004. He was the head of the NACS from 2007 to 2010. NACS hosts the Tunisian CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team) which is the first internationally recognized CERT in Africa. Belhassen Zouari is an Engineer in computer Science, has a Doctorate (French PhD) from the University of Paris 6 (1993) in Computer Science, and an “Habilitation Universitaire” from the University of Tunis (2005).

Abstract: Because of the complex features of the Internet and its world wide spread uses, multiple security measures – both technical and non-technical – are required to provide adequate protection against its misuse. An important protection mechanism within a harmonized international legal framework is necessary to combat cybercrime and to build trust and confidence in e-services.
WannaCry ransomware attack, Stuxnet and many other attacks make everyone and every country vulnerable to Internet threats. Today, although every country on the planet is connected to the Internet, many of them do not have cyber security strategy nor legal and operational measures to face emerging ICT threats. In order to carry out these threats and to minimize risks, the available solutions are not sufficient anymore. So it was necessary to look for other preventive and protective measures against these threats and new attacks. CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams) may be viewed as operational centers responsible of implementing the cyber security plan of action. It generally exploits technological tools and establishes working procedures to deal with cyber security incidents. Different kinds of CERTs may exist depending on the target customers to which the CERT offer its services. Among its main missions, a CERT has to ensure the tasks of watch and alert, awareness, incident detection, incident handling and response, incident analysis, etc.
This tutorial aims at providing an overview of Internet novel threats and how to face them not only with technological tools but also with managerial ones, and especially with CERTs.