The 20th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2023) will be held in in Smart Village, Giza, Egypt between 4th and 7th December 2023. AICCSA 2023 invites proposals for 2-3 hours in length proposals for Tutorials on specific aspects that complement the conference main tracks.

Important Dates

Tutorial proposals due: 30 June, 2023
Notification of acceptance: 30 July, 2023

Tutorials Proposals must be submitted via the main submission link of the conference by selecting the “Tutorials” Track

Proposal Requirements
Each tutorial proposal must be submitted in PDF format and contain the following:
1. Title
2. Name and Affiliation of the Speaker(s)
3. Abstract (one paragraph, 200 words max., including previous experience with such tutorials)
4. Intended Audience (one paragraph) and prerequisites: Describe the background assumed of tutorial attendees (i.e. beginner, intermediate, advanced), and any requirements needed (e.g. bring own laptop)
5. Learning Outcome: Describe the benefit, knowledge or skill that will be gained by attendees.
6. Description (no more than half page): A statement giving clear motivation/justification for the topic to be presented at AICCSA 2023 and the outline of the proposed content.
7. Statement on if this tutorial has been given before and if so how this presentation will be different.
8. Materials: A description of materials to be provided to attendees on the conference website – course slides, annotated bibliography, code snippets, etc. NOTE: the materials themselves do not need to be provided in the proposal.
9. Format of the Tutorial
10. Biography of the tutorial presenter.
11. Requested tutorial length (2-3 hours, longer sessions will also be considered).

The AICCSA’2023 Conference Organizing Committee will be responsible for the following:

• Provide FREE registration for the Speakers, unless they have accepted papers in the conference, in which case 50% discount will be offered stage)

• Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the tutorial.
• In conjunction with the organizers, determining the tutorial date and time.
• Providing copies of the tutorial materials to attendee.